Joseph Gulino

Managing Partner

Mr. Gulino, Managing Partner, has successfully represented institutional investors in active cases in multiple jurisdictions around the world for over a decade.

A U.S.-trained, multilingual attorney, Mr. Gulino is dual-licensed to practice in the U.S. (Florida, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.) and England & Wales. He represents DRRT’s clients in investor protection matters and securities and antitrust litigation. He is a Board Certified International Lawyer by the Florida Bar.

Leading a team of skilled international litigators, Joseph directs major non-U.S. securities litigation cases, such as Vivendi SA, Saipem S.p.A., and Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A., working closely with DRRT’s partner firms in several global jurisdictions. He has acted as liaison counsel for DRRT clients in some of the largest U.S. securities cases, including Citigroup, Bank of America, and Merck.

A member of Associazione Internazionale Giuristi di Lingua Italiana (AIGLI) and the Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA), Mr. Gulino has lectured on securities litigation and investor protection claims in Italy, Belgium, and Luxembourg, and has authored articles on investor protection in various French legal journals. In 2019 Mr. Gulino has also been appointed to serve on the Florida Bar International Law Certification Committee.


Previously employed by one of the largest U.S. securities litigation firms, Mr. Gulino is a two-time recipient of the U.S. Department of Education’s Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, focusing on Western European Studies. He has worked as an intern with the U.S. Department of State, a pro bono immigration agency, and as a consultant to the University of Pittsburgh’s international legal education programs in Eastern Europe. He holds a master’s degree in International and Public Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public & International Affairs, specializing in global political economy.

Mr. Gulino is fluent in French and Italian, has conversational knowledge of Spanish, and elementary knowledge of German.


J.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Law, International and Comparative Law Certificate

Master of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public & International Affairs, Certificate of advanced study: Western European affairs

B.A., Political Science, Villanova University, minors in French and Italian



District of Columbia


Solicitor (England & Wales)

Board Certified International Lawyer (Florida)

Lectures & Speaking Engagements

Speaker, “Shareholder Protection Through Loss Recovery Litigation” at ICGN Annual Conference,  Miami, USA

Speaker, “Case Examination: Tesco (UK),” at Securities Class Action Services Webinar

Speaker, “Global Trends in Securities Class Actions,” at Securities Class Action Services Roundtable, New York City, USA

Panelist, “Myths and Realities of Financing Collectives Actions,” at ABA Seminar Increasing Access to Justice Through EU Class Actions, Brussels, Belgium

Guest Lecturer, “International Securities Fraud Actions and Investor Protection,” at Università LUISS Guido Carli, Law School, Rome, Italy

Seminar presenter, “After the storm: A comparative approach between U.S. and Europe on the consequences of the crisis on the legal environment applicable to the banks”, at AIJA seminar “Being a Banker in a Post-Crisis World: Risks and Liabilities”, Luxembourg

Seminar panelist, “The Global Fight Against Terrorism and its Impact on Citizens’ Lives,” Madrid, Spain

Seminar on comparative International Legal Education US-Ukraine, Yalta, Ukraine

Articles & Publications

“L’expérience allemande pour protéger les investisseurs, une leçon pour l’Europe?”, Option Droit & Affaires (No. 73) (France)

“Morrison v. National Australia Bank: Effects and Future Perspectives,” ABA Newsletter (Volume 6, Issue 4) (USA)

“A recent decision of the U.S. Supreme Court represents a radical change for the system of investor protection in the United States – La dernière décision de la Cour Suprême Américaine représente un changement radical pour le système de protection des investisseurs aux Etats-Unis,” AIJA (No. 24) (France)

“Morrison contre National Australia Bank, un arrêt à la portée internationale,” Option Droit & Affaires (No. 44) (France)

“Actions de groupe: la Cour suprême siffle la fin de la partie pour les investisseurs étrangers,” LJA (No. 985), (France)


Board of Trustees of The American University of Rome

Board of Non-Profit National Italian American Foundation (NIAF)

Florida Bar International Law Certification Committee

French-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida

International Association of Jurists (Associazione Internazionale Giuristi di Lingua Italiana) (AIGLI)

International Association of Young Lawyers (Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats) (AIJA)

  • Member of the Commercial Fraud Commission
  • Member of the Banking, Finance & Capital Markets Law Commission
  • Arbitration Commission Member