News, Articles & Publications

“Class actions” in Germany – KapMuG 2.0: Reform of the KapMuG – light at the end of the tunnel?

After a heated debate, the new reform of the Capital Markets Model Case Act (Kapitalanleger- Musterverfahrensgesetz, KapMuG) has finally been passed by parliament and will soon come into force. In the reformed version of the law, which is now no longer time-limited, significant adjustments in the areas of suspension of proceedings and access to evidence point the way towards increased efficiency and the strengthening of the balance between the opportunities afforded to the parties involved in the proceedings (i.e., equality of arms).

Agreement between 119 institutional investors and the company Vivendi SE

119 institutional investors accused the French company Vivendi of having disseminated false or misleading information between 2000 and 2002, thereby causing them an important stock market damage.

After 22 years of proceedings against Vivendi before American and French courts, the parties have reached an agreement that will put an end to the proceedings currently pending before the International Chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal.

French law firm Hugo Avocats, assisted jointly by US law firms Grant & Eisenhofer PA, Kessler Topaz, Meltzer Check and DRRT, represented 87 of these 119 investors, based mainly in the United States, Germany, the UK and Sweden. The firms are delighted to have reached an agreement that puts a definitive end to this stock market case which lasted for more than twenty years.

DRRT was delighted to host its 12th Annual Global Investor Loss Recovery Conference in Frankfurt on May 12 and 13. Among the speakers, we were honored to have Mr. Kevin LaCroix, author of the popular The D&O Diary. Mr. LaCroix posted a blog post highlighting his time in Germany. We invite you to visit The D&O Diary.

Steinhoff Settlement Approved by Western Cape High Court in South Africa

January 24, 2022 – DRRT, as part of the Stichting Steinhoff International Compensation Claims (SSICC) is proud to announce that The Western Cape High Court in South Africa granted an Order approving and sanctioning the S155 Proposal.  As such, all conditions for the Settlement to become effective have now occurred.  Following receipt of the Order, we expect the Settlement Effective Date to occur on or around February 15, 2022.

Steinhoff Settlement Agreement Reached

March 15, 2021 – DRRT, as part of the Stichting Steinhoff International Compensation Claims (SSICC), along with several other claimant groups, (SSICC, together with the other claimant groups and their participants are hereafter referred to as Active Claimants) have reached a tentative global settlement of its claims with the boards of directors of Steinhoff International Holdings Proprietary Limited (SIHPL) and Steinhoff International Holdings N.V. (SIHNV).

Final Filing in the Securities Action Against Danske Bank

Copenhagen, Denmark: On Monday, September 21, 2020, Danish boutique litigation firm KLAR Advokater filed a fifth and final round of complaints against Danske Bank A/S for damages on behalf of 55 institutional investors clients of DRRT and Grant & Eisenhofer. With this additional round of claims totaling over DKK 1.071 billion (€144 million/$169 million) the total amount of the DRRT/G&E group of claims comes to DKK 6.786 billion (€912 million/$1.071 billion) and the number of claimants to 303. The cases were filed in the Copenhagen City Court.

Final Filing in the Securities Action Against Danske Bank

Click here to also view the article on Reuters.

How a unicorn fell: Wirecard

German payments group Wirecard was once seen as Europe’s most exciting fintech company. Now it’s at the center of one of the biggest financial scandals frauds in the country’s history. CNBC’s Tom Chitty explains. Video in the link.

Joseph Gulino speaks at the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute’s 2020 Institute Fund Summit in Austin, TX

The panel, “Corporate Governance and Shareholder Engagement” discussed some of the corporate governance measures that institutional investors have at their disposal as well as the importance of litigation as a means of shareholder engagement.

DRRT contributes to the World Bank Group’s report Doing Business 2020

Year after year DRRT is proud to contribute to the World Bank Group’s Doing Business report. In 2019 DRRT contributed towards the Doing Business 2020 flagship publication which is the 17th in a series of annual studies measuring the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it.

Feel free to access the publication by clicking on the link of this article.

DRRT’s Managing Partner Speaks in Brazil on Investor Protection Opportunities in Brazil and Around the World

DRRT’s Managing Partner, Alexander Reus, was invited to speak at the 17th Brazilian Congress of International Law and at The Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada for presentations regarding investor protection in Brazil and around the world. See more…

DRRT Files Initial Claim Against Kobe Steel Ltd in Tokyo Claiming over ¥5 billion

On Thursday, June 20, 2019, DRRT, along with its local counsel Koga & Partners, successfully filed the first complaint against Kobe Steel, Ltd in Tokyo District Court, claiming over ¥5 billion in damages.

DRRT – CACEIS Securities Class Action Partnership 

DRRT has been working with the large French asset servicing company CACEIS to provide its clients with a comprehensive loss recovery solution.

Danske Bank investors seek $475 million in damages over money laundering scandal

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) – Grant & Eisenhofer P.A. and DRRT filed the lawsuit in Copenhagen on behalf of investors from 19 countries, asserting “fraud claims stemming from a massive Russian money-laundering scheme and multi-year cover-up by Denmark’s largest bank and its senior leadership.”

Autokonzerne sahen Dieselkrise kommen – „Ohne Bescheißen werden wir es nicht schaffen“

Schon vor Jahren haben Audi, BMW und Daimler die Diskussion über Dieselfahrverbote vorausgeahnt. Nun bereitet die EU-Wettbewerbsbehörde die Rechnung vor.

Danske Bank facing €1bn damages lawsuit filed by 70 investors

A group of institutional investors are close to filing a lawsuit against scandal-hit Danske Bank over losses related to allegations of money laundering involving the lender, The Daily Telegraph has learnt.

Steinhoff Scandal: South African and International Investors Join Forces in South African “People’s Class Action”

Press release – Johannesburg, South Africa – November 7, 2018 – Following several investor conferences and personal meetings during last week in Cape Town and Johannesburg, hundreds of additional retail and large institutional investors have registered with the International Steinhoff Litigation Group (ISLG) and expressed their support of the South African class action against Steinhoff International Holdings N.V., its directors, auditors and banks.

Class action firm reveals Steinhoff litigation road map

Zain Lundell, conference attorney, LHL Attorneys, and Alexander Reus, managing partner at DRRT, speak to the Classic Business Breakfast about the importance of these conferences. Articles and radio interview in the link.
For more news on Steinhoff litigation click here

Dutch Court Declares Largest-Ever European Investor Claims Settlement Binding

On July 13, 2018, the Amsterdam Court of Appeals finally approved the €1.3 billion ($1.5 billion) settlement of a series of shareholder claims against Fortis in the wake of the global financial crisis.

DRRT Announces Ageas/Fortis Settlement Declared Binding

Press release – Amsterdam, Netherlands – July, 17, 2018 – Largest Court-Approved Settlement in European Securities Case declared binding and will pay investors €1.3 billion.

Grant & Eisenhofer Announces Fortis Investors to Receive $1.5 Billion in Largest Court-Approved Settlement in European Securities Case

Insurance company Ageas (f/k/a Fortis) to pay foundation representing 180+ institutional investors from U.S. and Europe; claims stemmed from Fortis’ 2007 acquisition of ABN Amro bank; U.S. law firm Grant & Eisenhofer represents pension plans and other investors operating as SICAF in milestone settlement.

Fortis settlement declared binding

Press Release – Brussels – July, 13, 2018 – Today the Amsterdam Court of Appeal declared the Fortis settlement entered into between Ageas, Stichting FORsettlement and the claimant organisations (i.e. Vereniging van Effectenbezitters, Deminor, Stichting Investor Claims Against Fortis (SICAF) and Stichting FortisEffect) binding.

Has the Rise of Collective Investor Actions in Europe Led to Forum Shopping?

By Kevin LaCroix on Oct 26, 2017 – As I have previously noted on this blog (most recently here), one of the most significant recent developments in the D&O claims arena has been the global rise of collective investor actions. One factor in this development in Europe has been the non-binding 2013 Collective Redress Recommendation, in which the European Commission recommended that each …

DRRT files US$500 million lawsuit against Toshiba

Press Release ( – MIAMI – Apr 03, 2017 – Miami-based international law firm DRRT, (, announces the filing of the second complaint against Toshiba Corporation (6502.T) by Tokyo-based boutique law firm Koga & Partners ( on behalf of 100 institutional investors. The total group of investors represented by Koga now consists of 150 institutional investors from around the world, including Japan, with collective damage claims of over US $500 million stemming from Toshiba’s accounting fraud, first disclosed on April 3, 2015 …