Alexander Reus

Founder & Chairman

Mr. Reus, Founder & Chairman at DRRT, has over 25 years of experience in international litigation and alternative dispute resolution in the area of investor protection and loss recovery. He advises and represents some of the world’s largest institutional investors in U.S. and international shareholder compensation litigation, involving class actions, group actions, derivate action, appraisal actions in merger or take-over situations. He is one of the global leaders and pioneers in shareholder rights, protection, compensation and corporate governance matters as well as funding global loss recovery efforts in non-traditional non-class action jurisdictions.

Mr. Reus has been and continues to be involved in the largest non-U.S. securities litigation cases against companies such as Royal Bank of Scotland in England, Volkswagen in Germany, Vivendi in France, Toshiba in Japan and has successfully negotiated settlements with Olympus in Japan (JYP 11 billion) and Fortis in the Netherlands (€1.3 billion).

Mr. Reus is a Board Certified International Lawyer (Florida Bar). He is licensed to practice law New York, Florida, and the District of Columbia, as well as in England and Wales as a solicitor. A frequent international lecturer on international legal matters, he also serves on numerous boards of directors and committees. Alexander is a native German speaker, speaks fluent English and has conversational knowledge of Portuguese, French, and Spanish.


After obtaining his J.D. from the University of Miami, Mr. Reus worked as a partner in both small and large international law firms on many complex international corporate and litigation matters. Mr. Reus joined Baur, Woodbridge, Reus & Klein to represent high net-worth individuals in corporate, real estate, immigration, tax, and litigation matters.

In 2000, Mr. Reus became partner at Becker & Poliakoff and chaired the European Practice Group, managing over 15 lawyers and focusing on complex M&A matters, litigation, ADR, and government relations issues.

In 2004, Mr. Reus founded DRRT as an internationally oriented and operating boutique with a focus on global investor protection, securities litigation and investor loss recovery. Alexander is, until today, DRRT’s Founder & Chairman. He is a native German speaker, but fluent in English and conversational in Portuguese, French, and Spanish.


B.A., Gymnasium Karlsbad, Germany

J.D., University of Heidelberg School of Law, Germany

L.L.M., University of Miami School of Law

J.D., cum laude, University of Miami School of Law


New York


District of Columbia

United States Supreme Court

U.S. Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit

U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York

United States District Courts for the Southern and Middle Districts of Florida

Law Society of England and Wales (Solicitor)

Board Certified International Lawyer (Florida)

Lectures & Speaking Engagements

Speaker, “Shareholder Protection Through Loss Recovery Litigation” at ICGN Annual Conference,  Miami, USA

Panelist, “Protecting Securities Portfolios Against Fraud – Obtaining Representation Outside the U.S.” at BLB&G Roundtable, New York City, USA

Speaker, “The Future of Financial Institution Litigation” at C5 9th International Financial Investor Insurance Form, London, UK

Panelist, “Mis-selling of Financial Products: How are we protected in today’s marketplace?” at IIEF Investor Rights Protection Forum, Hong Kong

Speaker, “International Securities Litigation” at The Knowledge Group Legal Series Webinar

Speaker, “Incorporating the Latest U.S. Class Action Developments into Your Litigation Strategy in Preparation for the Growth of Collective

Actions in Europe,” at C5 Financial Institutions Litigation Conference, London, UK

Co-Moderator, “Litigation Lessons for Securities Lawyers,” at ABA Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland

Speaker, “Reconsidering the Compensation System for your Firm – From Associate to Senior Partner” International Bar Association Conference, Munich, Germany

Panelist, “Morrison v. NAB,” at IIEF London Governance Forum, London, UK

Panelist, “The new Corporate Governance Landscape,” at ICGN Annual Conference, Paris, France

Panelist, “The Route Map to Reform and Recovery,” at ICGN Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia

Speaker, “Generating Legal Alpha” at Nordic Pension Investment World, Stockholm, Sweden

Speaker, “Collection of Securities Class Action Settlements,” IIEF Institutional Investor Education Forum, Paris, France

Speaker, “Generating ‘Legal’ Alpha – New Trends in Europe and the U.S.” at Pension Fund Investment World, Berlin, Germany

Speaker, “Generating Legal Alpha” at Terrapin Investor World Middle East, Dubai, UAE

Articles & Publications

“Scheme Liability” nach Stoneridge – Haftung für Kapitalmarktbetrug in den USA und Deutschland (62. Jahrgang, Heft 27, Page 1245), WM. (Germany)

“Anlegerschutz – Pflichten von Institutionellen Investoren”, WM. (Germany)

“Globaler Anlegerschutz”, DAJV. (Germany)

“Securities Litigation USA/Germany – Duties of Institutional Investors”, DAJV. (Germany)

“The New European Company – Societas Europaea” Eurowatch. (Germany)

“Internationale Ehevertrage in Deutschland” (Heft 6, Page 329) FPR. (Germany)

“Judicial Discretion: Comparative View of the Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany,” Loyola of Los Angeles Int’l & Comparative Law (Volume 16, Number 2)


  • Frankfurt Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt)
  • Atlantic Sapphire AS, Director, Compensation Committee Chairman
  • ICGN Shareholder Rights Committee
  • National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)
    • Board Leadership and Governance Fellow