Hypo Real Estate Holding GmbH (HRE) (Germany)

€190 million settlement in 2022

DRRT via Christian Wefers – as model plaintiff for more than 100 DRRT clients reached €190 million settlement in 2022 with Hypo Real Estate Holding GmbH (HRE). This case makes history for model proceedings under the German Capital Markets Model Case Act (KapMuG). This settlement follows the settlement of the Telekom model proceedings in 2021, which were the first major German Capital Markets model proceedings and had been ongoing since 2001. For the first time, capital market law claims of large German and international institutional investors have been successfully enforced against a German credit institution before German courts.

Royal Bank of Scotland plc (United Kingdom)

£800 million (over 1 billion U.S. dollars) settlement in 2016

DRRT代表全球300多家机构投资者,与苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland plc)就2008年4月配售新股引起的案件达成8亿英镑的和解。该案从2017年3月开始为期6个月的审理。在伦敦专业诉讼律所Stewarts Law的当地律师的协作下,最终与苏格兰皇家银行达成和解,这是自与日本奥林巴斯(Olympus)达成110亿日元和解之后,DRRT为客户代理的又一宗成功案例。苏格兰皇家银行和解案对投资者在欧洲追偿损失而言具有重大意义。这不仅是2016年3月富通(Fortis/Ageas)和解案之后,欧洲此类案件追偿历史上的第二大和解案,同时也是全球股东诉讼历史上排名前15位的和解案。该案的解决方案提供了令人瞩目的按照每股股份赔偿的方式(这在此种类型及规模的团体或集体诉讼和解案中非常罕见),并以双方满意的方式终结了费用高昂的复杂诉讼。关于2008年配股中购买的每股股份,DRRT及Stewarts Law代理的投资者将收到每股41便士的赔偿。

Ageas NV/SA fka Fortis (Netherlands)

€1.2 billion (1.27 billion U.S. dollars) settlement in 2016

Stichting Investor Claims Against Fortis (“SICAF“) has reached an agreement with Ageas NV/SA (“Ageas“) pursuant to which Ageas will pay an amount of €1.2 billion to eligible shareholders covered by the settlement. This is the largest settlement of investor claims in Europe so far. SICAF represents over 150 institutional investors from various parts of the world (U.S., Canada, U.K., Continental Europe, Asia) on whose behalf two separate court actions were filed against Ageas and other defendants in Utrecht between 2011 and 2012 seeking damages on their investments in Fortis shares in the period from May 2007 to October 2008. The active involvement of the litigating institutions in the Dutch court and the involvement of our Foundation in a leading role in the Dutch litigation since 2011 contributed significantly to this historic settlement. SICAF is proud to have played a prominent role in the negotiations and mediation process and appreciates the support from its board of directors as well as local counsel in this matter. The settlement is subject to the approval of a court in the Netherlands in accordance with the Dutch Act on Collective Settlements (Wet Collectieve Afwikkeling van Massaschades).

Olympus (Japan)

¥11 billion (92 million U.S. dollars) settlement in 2015


Gildan Activewear Inc. (Canada)

22.5 million U.S. dollars class action settlement in 2010

由于吉尔丹公司(Gildan Activewear Inc.)发布了关于2008财年误导性的盈利预期,以及关于多米尼加共和国工厂与洪都拉斯工厂生产规模相当的误导性陈述,且未能及时披露影响其多米尼加共和国纺织制造工厂的不利事件,公司股价因此大幅上涨。吉尔丹公司的股价就此攀升至每股46美元以上。但吉尔丹公司2008年4月29日发布公告,调低其2008财年的盈利预期之后,公司股价随即下跌30%。DRRT与加拿大首席律师成功代理一家主要的德国投资公司,作为本案首席原告(该案也曾在美国起诉,但已撤案)。该案提供了在类似股东诉讼情形中最适当的求偿方案。

Sky Deutschland AG (fka Premiere) (Germany)


Royal Dutch Shell plc (Netherlands)

2007年4月荷兰案达成3.81亿美元的和解,以及美国证监会1.2亿美元和解金的80%(同样适用于非美国投资者)。2007年4月11日,荷兰皇家壳牌有限公司(Royal Dutch Shell plc)签署一份和解协议,就公司各类虚假陈述(主要涉及1999年至2003年间公司经证实的石油储备)造成的投资亏损,向非美国投资者提供赔偿。和解协议提供3.526亿美元的赔偿金,另外提供2840万美元的款项,用于调整非美国和解协议下的赔偿,以便与美国和解案中的赔付金保持一致。壳牌公司进一步同意从2008年4月1日起支付利息。2009年5月29日,荷兰上诉法院宣布和解方案对全体成员以及被代表的投资者具有约束力,赔付金于2011年年中支付。在协商该荷兰基金会的和解中,DRRT代表整个非美国集团发挥重要作用,并且,当非美国投资者由于缺乏管辖权而面临退出美国集体诉讼之时,DRRT已代理超过25%的全体基金会参与者。这是当时新的WCAM规定(有关团体索赔的集体和解法令)下,欧洲证券诉讼中第一宗集体诉讼和解案。