DRRTのManaging Partner、 Alexander Reus は、複雑な投資家保護の分野における国際訴訟と紛争解決において25年を超える経験があります。反トラスト法訴訟、証券訴訟、代替紛争解決、株主代表訴訟、合併や買収における評価訴訟などの、米国および国際的な株主損害賠償訴訟で、世界最大級の機関投資家数社に助言し代表しています。証券詐欺、株主の権利および損害賠償、コーポレート・ガバナンスの専門家として、米国および国際的資本市場、および訴訟ファンドやファイナンスで豊富な経験と膨大な専門知識を有しています。
Alexanderは英国のRoyal Bank of ScotlandやドイツのVolkswagenなどの企業に対する主要な非米国証券訴訟で機関投資家を代表しています。Royal AholdやCitigroup、 Bank of Americaなどの大規模な米国証券訴訟でDRRTのクライアントの渉外弁護士を務め、2015年には日本のオリンパスとの和解(110億円)交渉を成功させています。
J.D., University of Heidelberg School of Law, Germany
L.L.M., University of Miami School of Law
J.D., cum laude, University of Miami School of Law
New York
District of Columbia
United States Supreme Court
U.S. Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit
U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
United States District Courts for the Southern and Middle Districts of Florida
Law Society of England and Wales (Solicitor)
Frankfurt Bar Association (European Attorney)
Dubai International Arbitration Centre
Board Certified International Lawyer (Florida)
Panelist, “Protecting Securities Portfolios Against Fraud – Obtaining Representation Outside the U.S.” at BLB&G Roundtable, New York City, USA
Speaker, “The Future of Financial Institution Litigation” at C5 9th International Financial Investor Insurance Form, London, UK
Panelist, “Mis-selling of Financial Products: How are we protected in today’s marketplace?” at IIEF Investor Rights Protection Forum, Hong Kong
Speaker, “International Securities Litigation” at The Knowledge Group Legal Series Webinar
Speaker, “Incorporating the Latest U.S. Class Action Developments into Your Litigation Strategy in Preparation for the Growth of Collective Actions in Europe,” at C5 Financial Institutions Litigation Conference, London, UK
Co-Moderator, “Litigation Lessons for Securities Lawyers,” at ABA Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Speaker, “Reconsidering the Compensation System for your Firm – From Associate to Senior Partner” International Bar Association Conference, Munich, Germany
Panelist, “Morrison v. NAB,” at IIEF London Governance Forum, London, UK
Panelist, “The new Corporate Governance Landscape,” at ICGN Annual Conference, Paris, France
Panelist, “The Route Map to Reform and Recovery,” at ICGN Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia
Speaker, “Generating Legal Alpha” at Nordic Pension Investment World, Stockholm, Sweden
Speaker, “Collection of Securities Class Action Settlements,” IIEF Institutional Investor Education Forum, Paris, France
Speaker, “Generating ‘Legal’ Alpha – New Trends in Europe and the U.S.” at Pension Fund Investment World, Berlin, Germany
Speaker, “Generating Legal Alpha” at Terrapin Investor World Middle East, Dubai, UAE
“Scheme Liability” nach Stoneridge – Haftung für Kapitalmarktbetrug in den USA und Deutschland (62. Jahrgang, Heft 27, Page 1245), WM. (Germany)
“Anlegerschutz – Pflichten von Institutionellen Investoren”, WM. (Germany)
“Globaler Anlegerschutz”, DAJV. (Germany)
“Securities Litigation USA/Germany – Duties of Institutional Investors”, DAJV. (Germany)
“The New European Company – Societas Europaea” Eurowatch. (Germany)
“Internationale Ehevertrage in Deutschland” (Heft 6, Page 329) FPR. (Germany)
“Judicial Discretion: Comparative View of the Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany,” Loyola of Los Angeles Int’l & Comparative Law (Volume 16, Number 2)
国際訴訟弁護士のチームを率い、Vivendi、Saipem、 Tescoなどの主要な米国外の訴訟で、各国におけるDRRTのパートナー法律事務所と緊密に協働しています。Citigroup、Bank of America、 Merckなど米国最大級の証券訴訟では渉外弁護士を務めました。
Associazione Internazionale Giuristi di Lingua Italiana (AIGLI)と Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA)の会員であり、イタリア、ベルギー、ルクセンブルクで証券訴訟や投資家保護に関する講義を行い、フランスの法務ジャーナルでは投資家保護に関する記事を執筆しています。
Speaker, “Case Examination: Tesco (UK),” at Securities Class Action Services Webinar
Speaker, “Global Trends in Securities Class Actions,” at Securities Class Action Services Roundtable, New York City, USA
Panelist, “Myths and Realities of Financing Collectives Actions,” at ABA Seminar Increasing Access to Justice Through EU Class Actions, Brussels, Belgium
Guest Lecturer, “International Securities Fraud Actions and Investor Protection,” at Università LUISS Guido Carli, Law School, Rome, Italy
Seminar presenter, “After the storm: A comparative approach between U.S. and Europe on the consequences of the crisis on the legal environment applicable to the banks”, at AIJA seminar “Being a Banker in a Post-Crisis World: Risks and Liabilities”, Luxembourg
Seminar panelist, “The Global Fight Against Terrorism and its Impact on Citizens’ Lives,” Madrid, Spain
Seminar on comparative International Legal Education US-Ukraine, Yalta, Ukraine
“L’expérience allemande pour protéger les investisseurs, une leçon pour l’Europe?”, Option Droit & Affaires (No. 73) (France)
“A recent decision of the U.S. Supreme Court represents a radical change for the system of investor protection in the United States – La dernière décision de la Cour Suprême Américaine représente un changement radical pour le système de protection des investisseurs aux Etats-Unis,” AIJA (No. 24) (France)
“Morrison contre National Australia Bank, un arrêt à la portée internationale,” Option Droit & Affaires (No. 44) (France)
“Actions de groupe: la Cour suprême siffle la fin de la partie pour les investisseurs étrangers,” LJA (No. 985), (France)
J.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Law, International and Comparative Law Certificate
Master of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public & International Affairs, Certificate of advanced study: Western European affairs
B.A., Political Science, Villanova University, minors in French and Italian
District of Columbia
Solicitor (England & Wales)
Board Certified International Lawyer (Florida)
French-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida
International Association of Jurists (Associazione Internazionale Giuristi di Lingua Italiana) (AIGLI)
International Association of Young Lawyers (Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats) (AIJA)
Member of the Commercial Fraud Commission
Member of the Banking, Finance & Capital Markets Law Commission
Arbitration Commission Member
Board of Trustees of The American University of Rome
Christian WefersはHead of European Officesであり、金融および資本市場、銀行および貿易法、国際訴訟、紛争解決の分野で幅広い経験を有しています。フランクフルト法曹協会(ドイツ)会員であり、フランクフルトにあるDRRTのドイツ事務所に勤務しています。
金融および資本市場の専門家として Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut e. V.による認定を受け、銀行および貿易法並びに国際訴訟と紛争解決で DRRTのクライアントを支援しています。オランダ財団手続、国際倒産、金融業界における独占禁止法違反、またドイツの機関投資家による最大級の証券訴訟であるHypo Real Estateの証券訴訟などで機関投資家を支援しています。
Andres Cuyun is in charge of developing and expanding DRRT’s global claims filing client base. With his creative and planning skills, Mr. Cuyun is also charged with promoting and educating investors worldwide on DRRT’s Pro-Active Portfolio Monitoring System and its claims filing services and system for the benefit of existing and potential future clients.
Mr. Cuyun has previously serviced as VP of Investors Relations and Production for leading conference production company focusing on educating the world’s premier institutional investors on financial trends. His experience working with pension plans, asset managers, family offices, endowments, together with his extensive financial and analytical capabilities, makes Mr. Cuyun well equipped to service our global claims filing clients. Furthermore, Mr. Cuyun works closely with our client relations and operations staff to optimize processes and procedures and to further stress and accentuate our leading position in the market.
Paola A. Hemelberg
Director of Human Resources, Administration & Finance
Ms. Hemelberg counts over ten years of financial expertise working with technology companies and multicultural global teams. Her experience working in fast-paced environments and her many years of experience, give her the tools to lead various large and geographically dispersed teams.
Her extensive knowledge in software business management, operations, corporate advisory, and international finance; make her a valuable asset for DRRT’s Finance and the Human Resources Departments.
Mr. Moussavou obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at the Bryant University in Smithfield, Rhode Island majoring in Finance and a with minor in Economics. Upon graduation, he worked at Bank of New York Mellon where he gained knowledge in financial systems and fund accounting. He is a native French speaker, allowing him to liaise with all of DRRT’s French-speaking clientele. His analytical and organizational skills, along with his detail oriented persona allow him to properly manage and supervise a large team of analysts.
Mr. Moussavou is supported by a team of claims specialists and directs the operational efforts of DRRT’s claims filing business. He is responsible for the company’s innovative and creative approach to developing new procedures, processes, and technologies for filing and managing claims.